perjantai 8. tammikuuta 2010

Hulkageddon II

Hulkageddon happens when PvP side of EVE decides the mining carebears have had way too easy time lately -And are bored, let us not forget that.

They'll get in ships and start suicideganking anything that might have a miner fitted into it.

Good time is had by all, well most. Some will whine and others will see injustice in part of the mechanics.

I'm going to quote an answer I put in another blog, just to address the questions of surviving suicidegankers.

"It seems to me people are missing something here, that 10k EHP may well keep you from those solo gankers, it won't keep you safe from a BattleShip but then, if a BS can't take down a miner... something is off.

True, getting hammered by 5 attackers instead of one changes things, but where excactly are you losing in if this is the case?


You can not, should not, never ever be able to out solo PvP five dedicated attackers without some serious investments in isk, SP and skills.

However get 4 more people on your side and see how things change?

For instance 3 other Hulk pilots with that 25m3 drone bay. (Shield rep, damage or variation of some.)

And 1 Logistics ship! -Think you would have a chance by then? Also, don't solo fit, team fit."